
November 15, 2017

World War I – “Mankind is gripped in the paroxysm of a fearful alarm.”

August 6, 1914

The gathering storm is most portentous! Mankind is gripped in the paroxysm of a fearful alarm. They are in the throes of a deadly consternation. On their ashen faces are engraved the distorted pictures of the coming horrors. The kind shepherds have turned suddenly into ferocious wolves, tearing the sheep and the lambs into pieces. Mercy has hidden its face; Love has covered her countenance; Sympathy does not stretch forth its arms; Affection has flown away; Truth finds itself a stranger among a large company of hypocritical admirers; and Peace does not envisage herself in the clear mirror of the pure hearts.

About ten or fifteen days ago I had the pleasure of meeting the German Consul and discussing with him the ominous signs of the coming European war. He delivered himself of the opinion, current among the statesmen, that a nation must go on increasing its annual military and naval expenditures if it desires to protect its growing commercial and national interests from the attack of its equally powerful and expanding neighbors or rivals; that the greater the military devices and paraphernalia, the more one is assured of the progress of the nation and its constantly developing resources.

In that meeting there were present a number of German and other nationalities. Strange to say, on this question they all agreed with the Consul, and concurred in his opinion as though he had voiced their hidden and most cherished thoughts.

I said: “If the power of Love and Peace become predominant and supreme, their effects will be greater than the power of hate and Mars, the god of war. In the world of existence there is no power as efficacious and as penetrative as the Power of Love. Military Power coerces and compels men through unnatural resort to force and violation, but mankind yield happily and willingly to the Power of Love.

“The war expenses of each nation have increased greatly of late years. Although there has not been the physical clash and turmoil of actual war, yet in reality a financial and economic war has been going on incessantly and draining the resources of the people. For a goodly portion of what the poor laborers, farmers and artisans get with the sweat of their brows and the labor of their hands is taken from them under the name of taxes, and expended over military preparations. Hence war is uninterrupted. This exaction breeds discontent, class feeling and group consciousness against the established order -- everyone realizing that human society is out of gear.

“Now if they could employ this pugnacity, this hammer and tongs, this fists and heels spirit, this feverish haste in the accumulation of war materials, this waste of great thoughts over the perfection of military science  -- I say if they could expend this exertion and effort, this endeavor and high mindedness in bringing about Love among mankind, in strengthening the ties of interdependence between nations and governments and in establishing fellowship and affinity between the races -- how much more efficient it would have been! Instead of unsheathing the sword to shed each other's blood, they should think of the perfection of each other's civilizations, sciences, arts, commerce, progress and advancement. Is this not better? Is it not worthier for the noble station of man?” 

The German Consul and others would not think of accepting my ideas, and started to object to them.

Then I said again: “What victory will you gain out of this war? What will be the outcome of this bloodshed? What will be the fruit of this onslaught? What will be the result of this aggression? From the beginning of history to the present time, what has been the profit that humanity has gathered from war? Nothing but ruin, devastation, the desecration of the holy rights of man, vandalism, carnage and the brutalization of the ideals deposited by God in the hearts of men. And if we read the spirit of modern history aright, we come to the conclusion that there is no war of conquest -- the conqueror and the conquered find themselves in manifest loss at the end of the engagement…

“Consider what ideal victories, what brilliant triumphs, what spiritual traces, what heavenly successes have become manifest through the Power of Love! Therefore how much nobler and worthier would it be if the sages and thinkers of the world expended their physical, intellectual and moral forces in the promulgation of the Power of Love among mankind. This Power of Love is the means of reciprocity and cooperation between nations! It is the cause of their everlasting Glory! It is conducive to the composure and security of the world of creation!”

I found my listeners still far from accepting my plea. They were silenced, but I knew it was a silence out of respect and not an acknowledgment and a confession that they were convinced. I found today that owing to the declaration of war in Europe, the Germans in this colony are very sad, and depressed, so much so that it is indescribable. They know that they are in danger; the danger of defeat of the Fatherland. Then, why should they hail war?

Pursuing my conversation with the German Consul and others, I said: “In reality all the inhabitants of Europe owe their allegiance to one Religion, and that is the Religion of His Holiness Christ; they also belong to one racial stock, which is no other than Aryan, which parent stock migrated from Asia in ancient times and settled in the different parts of that uninhabited country. After the lapse of many generations, one community called itself Frank, another Saxon, another Norman, another Latin, etc. Later on, step by step, they fabricated the means of differences, and many misconceptions crept in which added day by day to the gravity of the situation.

“Furthermore, were we to ponder carefully, we would realize that they are living on one continent Europe. Hence if they claim that their misunderstanding is on account of religious differences, as they are overshadowed by the influence of one religion, it must not exist. If they state that their alienation comes from racial bias, because they are the descendants of one primal race, it must be brushed aside. If they assert that their strife is on patriotic grounds, inasmuch as they inhabit the one continent it must have no weight. Moreover, they are all mankind. They have grown from one common trunk and are the branches of one tree.”

“When I was traveling in Europe, I observed every nation crying at the top of her voice: ‘O my Country! O my dear Country! O my beloved Country!’ I said: Oh, my friends! What are all these clamors for? Why all these acclamations? Why all these uproars and outcries? Why all this hullabaloo? These countries over which you are so vociferous and at every moment show the signs of obstreperousness, are One Country, the home of humanity. Wherever man chooses to live, there is his home and his country. God has not divided this earth. It is one globe, one sphere. These boundaries that you have defined are the greatest illusions that man could ever conceive in his mind. They have no reality. It is similar to the division of one room into different sections, with so many hypothetical lines, calling this corner Germany, that corner France and another corner England. Of a truth, these suppositional lines have no outward existence. These assumed boundaries are canine divisions, for it is observed that a number of dogs divide among themselves the public square into various sections and if one dare to go beyond the limit set for it, and trespass on the rights of others, the rest will set up a dreadful howl and bark and go for it; notwithstanding that these imaginary lines have no real forms or shapes.

“Again, let us still go a little further and investigate and find out what is this "country" over which you so quarrel and scramble? A piece of land. If this is the case, very well then; it is self-evident that man lives above this earth only for a few days and then for all eternity he will go under it. It is his everlasting graveyard, his unchangeable cemetery. Is it worthy of man to fight over his own burying ground? To shed the blood of his own brethren? To destroy the divine edifice -- for man is the Edifice of God? Is it noble of him to commit all of these inhuman atrocities for the necropolis of dead bodies?”

The object is this: These remarks were not relished by the Germans on that day, but I saw them today in an unhappy mood. They were visibly agitated and disturbed. But on the other hand they are manifesting great courage and patriotism. The young men have given up their work and are ready to start for Germany. There are more than fifty volunteers, and probably from this small colony nearly one hundred young men will leave for the scene of war. They are doing this with perfect joy and without the least complaint. But today's news, that Russia, England and France are united together to crush Germany, has given them much food for thought.

How cruel man is to send his brothers into the battle field, so that they may cut each other to pieces! Just on the simple ground that thou art German, I am English and he is French! Although in reality they are all human and are living beneath the shade of one God. His Divine Bestowals, Favors and Bounties have encircled all of them. They are all the sheep of God and He as the Spiritual Shepherd is merciful to all.

In short, the display of this barbaric passion is no other than the passion of nature. These men, like unto animals, are the prisoners of nature, subdued and overcome by nature. According to the requirement of nature, the animals are pugnacious and strive in the destruction of each other. In the world of nature there are aggression, bloodthirstiness, oppression, struggle for existence, rapacity. These qualities are the natural laws of nature. Just as these animals are captives of nature, similarly man is conquered, subjugated and humbled by nature. For example, anger gets the better of man, ferocity prevails upon him, and be becomes the subject of the lower passions. What are all these? They are no other than the mandates of the world of nature.

Only those persons who are in reality believers in God, who have witnessed the Signs of God, are attracted to the Kingdom of God and turned their faces toward God --  they and they alone are freed from the bloody claws of nature. Whereas formerly they were the subjects of nature, now they become the rulers. Whereas before they were vanquished by nature, now they become its victors.

In brief, while nature invites man to the baser propensities of ego and self, the Love of God attracts him to the worlds of sanctity and holiness, justice and generosity, mercy and humanity.
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (From a talk, Star of the West, vol. 5, no. 12, October 16, 1914)