
November 14, 2015


October 17, 1911
Paris, France

Travelling is a very good thing. It opens the eyes and broadens the horizon.

In the East one may behold vast and desert places where once lay peopled towns; this shows the Hand of Almighty God. History shows us how every nation which was against the Will of God has eventually been quite destroyed; and, accordingly, each nation which has listened to the Voice of God has prospered. When travelling one makes discoveries of strange things, i.e., the Emperors of Rome ruled over many thousands of people and were famous and powerful, but now the Emperors are dead and their power has vanished. Whereas the Christians began by being a small band of eleven disciples following Christ and living after His teaching, now there are many Christians all over the world and Christ's influence shall never die. 
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha  (Words of 'Abdu'l-Baha, October 18, 1911, Paris, France; ‘Star of the West’, vol.2, no. 16, December 31, 1911)