
December 4, 2018

‘Abdu’l-Baha’s amazement at being able to come to Paris

October 25, 1911, Paris, France

I regret that you have been kept waiting so long. Yet, I have waited so many years in prison before I could see you surely you do not mind waiting a little to see me. Our hearts are always together and the Bounty of the Kingdom of Abha binds our spirits in one. For have we not one aim, one desire and one prayer? Therefore we are always together.

Last night, when I returned home, I did not sleep. I lay awake thinking and I said to myself: "Here am I in Paris. O my God! what is Paris and who am I?" I never thought from the darkness of my prison that I should come here and be among you, for I was condemned to perpetual imprisonment. When I read the document which told me of my sentence, I said to the officials: ''It is impossible!'' And they were astonished. Then I said to them: "If Abdu'l-Hamid were immortal and I myself were immortal, then would it be possible for him to condemn me to be in prison forever, but as we are not immortal, then it is impossible. My spirit is free and that can no man imprison.”

Now you see the powers of God, that I am no longer in prison, but here in Paris, talking with yon. I am thankful to meet the spiritual friends and you also must be happy that God has allowed me to come among you. For who indeed would have thought it possible that I should be here talking in Paris? 

(Star of the West, vol. 2, no. 16, December 31, 1911)