
November 26, 2017

World War I – “…warnings on the part of God so that they may quicken the people and make them mindful.”

August 8, 1914

[This morning I was called into His presence, and after reading a few letters and dictating a number of Tablets, He spoke about the present war (World War I)]:

These dreadful events are as warnings on the part of God so that they may quicken the people and make them mindful. But the majority of mankind are like unto the children, who are being rocked in a cradle. The harder they are rocked to be awakened, the deeper they fall into sleep.

East and West the affairs of the people are in utter confusion and the markets of the world are afflicted with lethargy. The wheels of international transactions are at a standstill. We shall wait and see what God has decreed to be the outcome of this universal upheaval.

As for you, pray meanwhile in behalf of the people so that the forces of Peace may gain ascendancy over the powers of war. They are now in great distress. From all sides they are surrounded with difficulties and hardships. Perchance, God willing, they may become mindful and aware, be released from negligence, abandon tyranny and oppression, treat each other with justice and fairness, and give up the dictates of selfishness and personal interest.

Our hope is that they may be freed from the cruelty of passion and egoism; that these wicked powers may not overmaster them; that they may turn their faces toward God; that the hearts may become illumined; that the sphere of the minds be extended; that avarice and covetousness may not remain; that trust in Cod and self-reliance may take possession of their beings that they may be satisfied with their own rights and that they may not rise in aggression to trample under their feet the rights of others. May all of the causes of war and conflict, hardships and sufferings, be entirely removed!

November 15, 2017

World War I – “Mankind is gripped in the paroxysm of a fearful alarm.”

August 6, 1914

The gathering storm is most portentous! Mankind is gripped in the paroxysm of a fearful alarm. They are in the throes of a deadly consternation. On their ashen faces are engraved the distorted pictures of the coming horrors. The kind shepherds have turned suddenly into ferocious wolves, tearing the sheep and the lambs into pieces. Mercy has hidden its face; Love has covered her countenance; Sympathy does not stretch forth its arms; Affection has flown away; Truth finds itself a stranger among a large company of hypocritical admirers; and Peace does not envisage herself in the clear mirror of the pure hearts.

About ten or fifteen days ago I had the pleasure of meeting the German Consul and discussing with him the ominous signs of the coming European war. He delivered himself of the opinion, current among the statesmen, that a nation must go on increasing its annual military and naval expenditures if it desires to protect its growing commercial and national interests from the attack of its equally powerful and expanding neighbors or rivals; that the greater the military devices and paraphernalia, the more one is assured of the progress of the nation and its constantly developing resources.

In that meeting there were present a number of German and other nationalities. Strange to say, on this question they all agreed with the Consul, and concurred in his opinion as though he had voiced their hidden and most cherished thoughts.