April 21, 1912
The Universalist Church
Washington D.C. USA
Washington D.C. USA
Whatever the minister has said (in his introductory remarks)
is an evidence of high morals and service to the world of humanity, truly
commendable and worthy of praise, for it is opposed to natural prejudices which
for six thousand years have made unstable the world of humanity. How many wars
were fought, how much discord has occurred, how much hatred has appeared
amongst mankind. But inasmuch as this age is the age of the revelation of
reality, praise be to God! the thoughts are being directed toward reality and
the souls are ready for the oneness of the world of humanity. The ocean of
truth is surging and the mirage of imitations is day by day passing away. The
foundation of the existing religions is one foundation, and that foundation is
reality and the cause of unity and love of humanity and the means of the
progress of mankind. But after every one of the Divine Manifestations, that
light of reality became obscured. The darkness of superstitions and imitations crept
in. Darkness befell the world of humanity. Day by day bitterness increased to
such a degree that nations became antagonistic, and to such an extent that were
it not for political hindrances they would have crushed and annihilated each other.