
August 18, 2017

Fourth Annual Conference of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People – [NAACP]

Chicago, 1910
Handel Hall, Chicago
April 30, 1912

God has stated in the Bible, the Old Testament, "We have created man in our own image and likeness" This statement indicates the fact that man in some particular is of the image and likeness of God; that is to say, the Perfections of God, the Divine Virtues, have become reflected or revealed in the human reality. Just as the effulgent and the light of the sun, when cast upon a mirror, is reflected fully, gloriously, if the mirror be polished, so likewise the virtues of Divinity are possible of reflection in the human reality. And this makes it evident that man is the most noble of God's creatures.

When you observe created beings, you find that the mineral kingdom is endowed with certain virtues. And we observe that the vegetable kingdom has not only the virtues of the mineral kingdom but it is endowed with another property namely, the virtue augmentative or the power of growth. The animal kingdom possesses the virtues or powers of the mineral kingdom plus those of the vegetable kingdom, and moreover it possesses certain peculiar properties of its own. The human kingdom is endowed with the virtues or perfections of the mineral kingdom and those of the vegetable kingdom, and the perfections of the animal kingdom, and moreover has the human virtues. This makes it evident that man is superior and most noble, and he is the most glorious of beings!